Friday, June 5, 2015

New Beginnings


A new space for fresh start. I remember when I first started blogging I'd come across established blogs that would suddenly up and move to whole new space and I always wondered why they'd do that, especially if they had readers. After six years of blogging, I now understand. I feel I can't be completely me over at my other blog, which is pretty silly considering it's mine and in reality I can post whatever I like. Somehow I've managed to make myself feel restrained. Perhaps it's knowing that family members and neighbors occasionally read and for some reason that has left me feeling a little too vulnerable. Maybe that's the wrong word, I don't know but I figured I'd try out a new space where I can be more honest and where I feel free to talk about a wide range of topics and things that are more personal.

I think people might assume that someone who shares so much online would be an open and outgoing person but I feel I'm pretty private in my regular everyday life. I think for people like me it's easier to open up in this way because you, the reader, have no opinion of me (yet) therefore you have no previous thoughts, ideas or perceptions of me. Once someone sees you a particular way it can be very hard to change that, especially if they see in a negative light. I'm not implying that my family and neighbors see me negatively but there are many parts of my life that I don't feel they need to know about. For example, I would be really uncomfortable talking about money struggles, a very real part of my life, on my other blog. I'd be getting concerned phone calls and that's not what I'm after. If I talk about something like that it's not because I want financial help, it'd be because I know other people could relate and writing about it helps process all the stress.  I also think that it's hard to change your blog once you've set its course. For these reasons I have started Hawks And Doves.

We'll see where I take this but just having a new space is refreshing and exciting! Thank you for reading and I look forward to starting interesting conversations and going a little deeper with you all.


  1. #annessecretblog ? I love it! I love this idea that you'll be able to share more openly and freely, to hear more about the details on your daily thoughts and frustrations. I love that you're sharing more in writing, because that's a medium I relate to so strongly. <3 Yaw-haw for this new endeavor!

    1. Thanks Milla! Love you and all your support <3

  2. Behind you 100%...and yes it is nice to know we are not alone in the challenges that we work so hard to cultivate the positive through it all. The light does always find its way. I don't usually comment but felt the need to send some LOVE and support from one Mama to another. You are Beautiful, Anne! Thank you for being so generous and brave in sharing.
    <3 Sheri

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate your comment and your support. xoxo
